Table of Contents
June 20, 2003; Volume 40,Issue 1
Alden, Dauril
- You have accessRestricted accessSome Reflections on Antonio Vieira: Seventeenth-Century Troubleshooter and TroublemakerDauril Alden, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 7-16; DOI: AldenThomas Cohen
Coates, Timothy J.
- You have accessRestricted accessPaiva, José Pedro, ed. Padre António Vieira. 1608–1697 Bibliografia. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, 1999. 500 pp. ISBN 972-565-268-1. Oceanos 30/31 (abril/setembro 1997). Lisboa: CNCDP. Special issue dedicated to Padre António Vieira. 254 pp.Timothy J. Coates, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 128-130; DOI: J. CoatesCollege of CharlestonThomas CohenCollege of CharlestonStuart B. SchwartzCollege of Charleston
Cohen, Thomas
- You have accessRestricted accessOther ReviewsThomas Cohen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 110-115; DOI: CohenCatholic University of AmericaThomas CohenCatholic University of AmericaStuart B. SchwartzCatholic University of America
- You have accessRestricted accessOther ReviewsThomas Cohen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 110-115; DOI: CohenCatholic University of AmericaThomas CohenCatholic University of AmericaStuart B. SchwartzCatholic University of America
- You have accessRestricted accessAntónio Vieira: Word and Power in the Portuguese BaroqueJoan E. Meznar, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 116-122; DOI: E. MeznarEastern Connecticut State UniversityThomas CohenEastern Connecticut State UniversityStuart B. SchwartzEastern Connecticut State University
- You have accessRestricted accessBook Reviewed: Vieira, António. Clavis Prophetarum. Chave dos Profetas Livro III. Edição crítica, fixação do texto, tradução, notas e glossário de Arnaldo do Espírito Santo. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 2000.Adma Muhana, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 122-126; DOI: MuhanaUniversidade Estadual de CampinasThomas CohenUniversidade Estadual de CampinasStuart B. SchwartzUniversidade Estadual de Campinas
- You have accessRestricted accessTerceiro centenário da morte do Padre António Vieira Congresso Internacional. Actas. Braga: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 1999. 3 vols. ISBN 972-8090- 10-2.António Camões Gouveia, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 126-128; DOI:ónio Camões GouveiaUniversidade Nova de LisboaThomas CohenUniversidade Nova de LisboaStuart B. SchwartzUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
- You have accessRestricted accessPaiva, José Pedro, ed. Padre António Vieira. 1608–1697 Bibliografia. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, 1999. 500 pp. ISBN 972-565-268-1. Oceanos 30/31 (abril/setembro 1997). Lisboa: CNCDP. Special issue dedicated to Padre António Vieira. 254 pp.Timothy J. Coates, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 128-130; DOI: J. CoatesCollege of CharlestonThomas CohenCollege of CharlestonStuart B. SchwartzCollege of Charleston
- You have accessRestricted accessBook Reviewed: Palavra e Utopia. Dir. Manoel de Oliveira. Atores principais: Lima Duarte, Luís Miguel Cintra e Ricardo Trepa. Uma produção independente portuguesa, 2000. 133 mins.Alcir Pécora, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 130-131; DOI: PécoraUniversidade Estadual de CampinasThomas CohenUniversidade Estadual de CampinasStuart B. SchwartzUniversidade Estadual de Campinas
- You have accessRestricted accessSantiago, Silviano. The Space in Between: Essays on Latin American Culture Ed. Ana Lúcia Gazzola. Trans. Tom Bums, Ana Lúcia Gazzola and Gareth Williams. Intro. Ana Lúcia Gazzola and Wander Melo Miranda. Post-Contemporary Interventions. Latin Amercia in Translation I en traducción /em tradução. Durham: Duke UP, 2001. 187 pp. Notes. Index.Lidia Santos, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 133-134; DOI: SantosYale UniversityThomas CohenYale UniversityStuart B. SchwartzYale University
- You have accessRestricted accessRoncador, Sônia. A poética do esquecimento. São Paulo: Annablume, 2002. 163 pp.Cláudia Nina, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 134-137; DOI:áudia NinaJornal do BrasilThomas CohenJornal do BrasilStuart B. SchwartzJornal do Brasil
- You have accessRestricted accessSouza Júnior, José Luiz Foureaux de, org. Exercicios de leitura. São Paulo: Sortecci, 2001. 167pp.Cristina Sáenz de Tejada, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 137-138; DOI: Sáenz de TejadaGoucher CollegeThomas CohenGoucher CollegeStuart B. SchwartzGoucher College
- You have accessRestricted accessAppleby, David P. Heitor Villa-Lobos; A Life (1887–1959). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2002. xx + 203 pp. Bibliography. Index.K. David Jackson, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 138-139; DOI: David JacksonYale UniversityThomas CohenYale UniversityStuart B. SchwartzYale University
- You have accessRestricted accessMadureira, Nuno Luís, ed. História do Trabalho e das Ocupações. Vol. I. A Indústria Textil. Lisboa: Celta Editora, 2001. xiv + 297 pp. Bibliografia. Índice remissiva.Jaime Reis, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 140-141; DOI: ReisUniversity of LisbonThomas CohenUniversity of LisbonStuart B. SchwartzUniversity of Lisbon
- You have accessRestricted accessKirkendall, Andrew. Class Mates: Male Student Culture and the Making of a Political Class in Nineteenth-Century Brazil. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2002. viii + 269 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Kirsten Schultz, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 141-142; DOI: SchultzThe Cooper UnionThomas CohenThe Cooper UnionStuart B. SchwartzThe Cooper Union
- You have accessRestricted accessGarfield, Seth. Indigenous Struggle at the Heart of Brazil: State Policy, Frontier Expansion and the Xavante Indians, 1937–1988. Durham: Duke UP, 2001. xii + 316 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Jerry Dávila, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 142-144; DOI: DávilaUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteThomas CohenUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteStuart B. SchwartzUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte
- You have accessRestricted accessÉ minha cara (That’s my face). Dir. Thomas Allen Harris. Chimpanzee Productions, 2001 (USA, Brazil, Tanzania). 56 min.Juan Egea, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 144-145; DOI: EgeaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonThomas CohenUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonStuart B. SchwartzUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Vieira Family and the Order of ChristFrancis A. Dutra, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 17-31; DOI: A. DutraThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroductionThomas Cohen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 1-16; DOI: CohenThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroductionThomas Cohen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 1-16; DOI: CohenThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Contexts of Vieira’s Toleration of Jews and New ChristiansStuart B. Schwartz, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 33-44; DOI: B. SchwartzThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Empire of the Future and the Chosen People: Father António Vieira and the Prophetic Tradition in the Hispanic WorldMaría V. Jordán, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 45-57; DOI:ía V. JordánThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessUma Exegese do CapitalAlcir Pécora, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 59-65; DOI: PécoraThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessJudaism and the History of the Church in the Inquisition Trial of António VieiraThomas Cohen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 67-78; DOI: CohenThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessJudaism and the History of the Church in the Inquisition Trial of António VieiraThomas Cohen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 67-78; DOI: CohenThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessVieira e os conflitos com os colonos do Pará e MaranhãoMaria Beatriz Nizza da Silva, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 79-87; DOI: Beatriz Nizza da SilvaThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessSome Reflections on Antonio Vieira: Seventeenth-Century Troubleshooter and TroublemakerDauril Alden, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 7-16; DOI: AldenThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessAntónio Vieira and the Justification of Indian SlaveryJosé Eisenberg, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 89-95; DOI:é EisenbergThomas Cohen
- You have accessRestricted accessReview Essay: Um livro esperado: Besselaar, José van den. Antônio Vieira; Profecia e polêmica. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, 2002. 506 pp.João Adolfo Hansen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 97-109; DOI:ão Adolfo HansenDLCV - FFLCH - USPThomas CohenDLCV - FFLCH - USPStuart B. SchwartzDLCV - FFLCH - USP
Davila, Jerry
- You have accessRestricted accessGarfield, Seth. Indigenous Struggle at the Heart of Brazil: State Policy, Frontier Expansion and the Xavante Indians, 1937–1988. Durham: Duke UP, 2001. xii + 316 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Jerry Dávila, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 142-144; DOI: DávilaUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteThomas CohenUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteStuart B. SchwartzUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte
De Tejada, Cristina Sáenz
- You have accessRestricted accessSouza Júnior, José Luiz Foureaux de, org. Exercicios de leitura. São Paulo: Sortecci, 2001. 167pp.Cristina Sáenz de Tejada, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 137-138; DOI: Sáenz de TejadaGoucher CollegeThomas CohenGoucher CollegeStuart B. SchwartzGoucher College
Dutra, Francis A.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Vieira Family and the Order of ChristFrancis A. Dutra, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 17-31; DOI: A. DutraThomas Cohen
Egea, Juan
- You have accessRestricted accessÉ minha cara (That’s my face). Dir. Thomas Allen Harris. Chimpanzee Productions, 2001 (USA, Brazil, Tanzania). 56 min.Juan Egea, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 144-145; DOI: EgeaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonThomas CohenUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonStuart B. SchwartzUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Eisenberg, José
- You have accessRestricted accessAntónio Vieira and the Justification of Indian SlaveryJosé Eisenberg, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 89-95; DOI:é EisenbergThomas Cohen
Gouveia, António Camões
- You have accessRestricted accessTerceiro centenário da morte do Padre António Vieira Congresso Internacional. Actas. Braga: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 1999. 3 vols. ISBN 972-8090- 10-2.António Camões Gouveia, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 126-128; DOI:ónio Camões GouveiaUniversidade Nova de LisboaThomas CohenUniversidade Nova de LisboaStuart B. SchwartzUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
Hansen, João Adolfo
- You have accessRestricted accessReview Essay: Um livro esperado: Besselaar, José van den. Antônio Vieira; Profecia e polêmica. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, 2002. 506 pp.João Adolfo Hansen, Thomas Cohen and Stuart B. SchwartzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2003, 40 (1) 97-109; DOI:ão Adolfo HansenDLCV - FFLCH - USPThomas CohenDLCV - FFLCH - USPStuart B. SchwartzDLCV - FFLCH - USP