Table of Contents
December 21, 2003; Volume 40,Issue 2
- You have accessRestricted accessIn Memory of Robert M. Levine (1941–2003): Mentor and FriendPeter M. BeattieLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 1-6; DOI: M. BeattieMichigan State University, Recife, Pernambuco April 5, 2003
- You have accessRestricted accessRobert Levine (1941–2003): um gigante do brasilianismo acadêmicoPaulo Roberto de AlmeidaLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 7-8; DOI: Roberto de AlmeidaDoutor em Ciências Sociais. Diplomata
- You have accessRestricted accessRobert M. Levine: Social Studies Editor, Luso-Brazilian Review, 1990–2003Stanley G. PayneLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 9; DOI: G. PayneEditorial Board, Luso-Brazilian Review
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroductionEllen W. Sapega and Severino J. AlbuquerqueLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 11-12; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessHistory of the Future: Luso-Brazilian Studies in the New MillenniumK. David JacksonLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 13-30; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessBrazilian History in an Asian Millennium? Reading Dead People’s Mail for a Living in a New Global EraPeter M. BeattieLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 31-50; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPragmatic, Dynamic, Subjective: Mutual Influences Between the Social Sciences and the Humanities in the Brazilianist FieldPiers ArmstrongLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 51-71; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessIntegrating Portuguese Studies in Interdisciplinary Programs: A Challenge for the New MillenniumAna Paula FerreiraLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 73-81; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes Literature Still Matter? (Working Notes on the States of the Art of Brazilian Literature)Ítalo MoriconiLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 83-88; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessQue se danem ou não: Interrogations of Luso-Brazilian Civilization/Culture and Interrelations of LiteratureCharles A. PerroneLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 89-110; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessTraversing PostColoniality: Pepetela and the Narrations of NationPhyllis PeresLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 111-117; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPath BrazilCharles MartinLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 119-132; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessBeattie, Peter M. The Tribute of Blood: Army, Race, and Nation in Brazil, 1864–1945. Series: Latin America Otherwise. Durham, Duke UP, 2001. xxiv + 390 pp. Bibliography. Index.Vitor IzecksohnLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 133-134; DOI: IzecksohnUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- You have accessRestricted accessSmallman, Shawn C. Fear& Memory in the Brazilian Army and Society, 1889–1954. Chapel Hill and London: U of North Carolina P, 2002. 265pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Francisco César Alves FerrazLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 134-136; DOI: César Alves FerrazUniversidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná
- You have accessRestricted accessDulles, John W.F. Sobral Pinto, “The Conscience of Brazil”: Leading the Attack against Vargas (1930–1945). Austin: U of Texas P, 2002. xvi + 377 pp. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Bryan McCannLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 136-137; DOI: McCannGeorgetown University
- You have accessRestricted accessDávila, Jerry. Diploma of Whiteness: Race and Social Policy in Brazil, 1917–1945. Durham: Duke UP, 2003. xii + 292 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Andrew J. KirkendallLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 138-139; DOI: J. KirkendallTexas A&M University
- You have accessRestricted accessSheriff, Robin. Dreaming Equality: Color, Race, and Racism in Urban Brazil. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2001. x + 264 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Isabel BalseiroLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 139-140; DOI: BalseiroHarvey Mudd College
- You have accessRestricted accessSilva, Vagner Gonçalves da. O Antropólogo e sua magia: Trabalho de campo e texto etnográfico nas pesquisas antropológicas sobre religiões afro-brasileiras. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2000. 194 pp.John BurdickLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 140-141; DOI: BurdickSyracuse University
- You have accessRestricted accessCunha, Maria Clementina Pereira, org. Carnavais e outras f(r)estas Ensaios de história social da cultura. Campinas, SP: UNICAMP, CECULT, 2002. 447 pp.Piers ArmstrongLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 142-144; DOI: ArmstrongDartmouth College
- You have accessRestricted accessArmstrong, Piers. Cultura popular na Bahia: Estilística cultural pragmática. Coleção Literatura e Diversidade Cultural, 6. Feira de Santana: UEFS, 2002. 142 pp.Lyslei NascimentoLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 145-146; DOI: NascimentoUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
- You have accessRestricted accessFrota, Wander Nunes. Auxílio Luxuoso: Samba símbolo nacional, geração Noel Rosa e indústria cultural. São Paulo: Annablume Editora, 2003. 252 pp. Bibliografia.Bryan McCannLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 146-147; DOI: McCannGeorgetown University
- You have accessRestricted accessAraújo, Paulo César de. Eu não sou cachorro, não: Música popular cafona e di tadura militar. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 2002. 458 pp. Illustrations. Notes. Discography. Bibliography. Index.Christopher DunnLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 148-150; DOI: DunnTulane University
- You have accessRestricted accessGregg, Jessica L. Virtually Virgins: Sexual Strategies and Cervical Cancer in Recife, Brazil. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2003. 207 pp. Appendices. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Tobias HechtLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 151-152; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessGutmann, Matthew, ed. Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Durham: Duke UP, 2003. 417 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Marc Adam HertzmanLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 152-154; DOI: Adam HertzmanUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessBessa, Marcelo Secron. Os perigosos: Autobiografias & AIDS. Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplano, 2002. 431 pp. Notas. Bibliografia.Fernando ArenasLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 155-156; DOI: ArenasUniversity of Minnesota
- You have accessRestricted accessCahen, Michel. Les Bandits: Un historien au Mozambique, 1994. Paris: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2002. 351 pp.Luís MadureiraLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2003, 40 (2) 157-161; DOI:ís MadureiraUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison