Table of Contents
June 01, 2004; Volume 41,Issue 1
- You have accessRestricted accessA solidão tropical e os pares à deriva: Reflexões em torno de AlencarLucia HelenaLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 1-18; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessCensorship and Morality: Machado de Assis, Émile Augier and the National Theater InstituteJosé Luís JobimLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 19-36; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMachado de Assis: A obra entreabertaAntonio Luciano TostaLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 37-55; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAs ruínas da homossexualidade: O gótico em Bom-Crioulo, de Adolfo CaminhaLeonardo MendesLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 56-70; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessOs Sertões, de Euclides da Cunha: EspaçosMaria Zilda Ferreira CuryLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 71-79; DOI: Zilda Ferreira Cury
- You have accessRestricted accessOs intelectuais cariocas, o modernismo e o nacionalismo: O caso de FestaAngela de Castro GomesLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 80-106; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMurilo, o surrealismo e a religiãoRaúl AnteloLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 107-120; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMilton Hatoum e o regionalismo revisitadoTânia PellegriniLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 121-138; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessA Nationalist Environment: Indians, Nature, and the Construction of the Xingu National Park in BrazilSeth GarfieldLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 139-167; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessEntering History: Paulo Freire and the Politics of the Brazilian Northeast, 1958–1964Andrew J. KirkendallLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 168-189; DOI:
Books Reviewed
- You have accessRestricted accessReview Essay: English as She Is Spoke: 150 Years of a Classic Fonseca, José da and Pedro Carolino. O Novo Guia da Conversação em Portuguez e Inglez. Intro. James Millington and Mark Twain. Preface Marcelo de Paiva Abreu. Rio de Janeiro: Casa da Palavra, 2002. 208 pp.George MonteiroLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 191-197; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessArenas, Fernando. Utopias of Otherness: Nationhood and Subjectivity in Portugal and Brazil. Minneapolis, MN: U Minnesota P, 2003. 179 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Kathryn Bishop-SanchezLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 198-200; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessQuinlan, Susan Canty, and Fernando Arenas, eds. Lusosex: Gender and Sexuality in the Portuguese-Speaking World. Minneapolis and London: U of Minnesota P, 2002. xxxvii + 317 pp.José Carlos BarcellosLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 200-202; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessLopes, Denilson. O homem que amava rapazes e outros ensaios. Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplano, 2002. 262 pp.Antonio Eduardo de OliveiraLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 202-203; DOI: Eduardo de Oliveira
- You have accessRestricted accessAlonso, Cláudia Pazos and Claire Williams, eds. Closer to the Wild Heart: Essays on Clarice Lispector. Oxford, UK: European Humanities Research Centre of the University of Oxford, 2002. xv + 242 pp. Bibliography. Index.Tace HedrickLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 203-205; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessBarbosa, Maria José Somerlate, org. Passo e Compasso: Nos ritmos do envelhecer. Coleção Memória das Letras 17. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2003. 317 pp.Mary L. DanielLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 205-207; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessCauso, Roberto de Sousa. Ficção científica, fantasia e horror no Brasil 1875–1950. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2003. 337 pp. Notas. Bibliografia.Jossianna ArroyoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 207-210; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessBarbieri, Therezinha. Ficção impura—Prosa brasileira dos anos 70, 80 e 90. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ, 2003. 121 pp.Tânia PellegriniLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 210-212; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMendoza de Arce, Daniel. Music in Ibero-America to 1850: A Historical Survey. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001. xviii + 723 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Tom MooreLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 212-213; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMarques, Ana Claudia. Intrigas e questões: Vingança de família e tramas sociais no sertão de Pernambuco. Coleção Antropologia da Política. Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 2002. 352 pp.Linda LewinLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 213-215; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessSlater, Candace. Entangled Edens: Visions of the Amazon. Berkeley: U California P, 2002. 332 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Seth GarfieldLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2004, 41 (1) 216-218; DOI: