Machado de Assis & Gonçalves Dias: Encontros e diálogos

Wilton José Marques


The aim of this article is to reveal the existence of a dialogue between the romantic poetry of Gonçalves Dias, notably in his indianist poetry and the book Americanas (1875), by Machado de Assis. The article raises some questions about Machado’s possible reasons for revisiting the indianist theme and shows Machado’s admiration for Gonçalves Dias as evidenced in the poem “A Gonçalves Dias.”



The aim of this article is to reveal the existence of a dialogue between the romantic poetry of Gonçalves Dias, notably in his indianist poetry and the book Americanas (1875), by Machado de Assis. The article raises some questions about Machado’s possible reasons for revisiting the indianist theme and shows Machado’s admiration for Gonçalves Dias as evidenced in the poem “A Gonçalves Dias.”

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