A volta da casa na literatura brasileira contemporânea

Denílson Lopes


This essay is a journey through the image of the house in Brazilian contemporary literature, in the search of a poetics of the ordinary and delicateness. The analysis of Buriti by Guimarães Rosa, Sinfonia em Branco by Adriana Lisboa and Cinco Estações do Amor by João Almino suggests this alternative poetics both from the representation of the house as the decaying and painful space of the rural aristocracy or as marked by an aesthetization of violence and cruelty in the cities.



This essay is a journey through the image of the house in Brazilian contemporary literature, in the search of a poetics of the ordinary and delicateness. The analysis of Buriti by Guimarães Rosa, Sinfonia em Branco by Adriana Lisboa and Cinco Estações do Amor by João Almino suggests this alternative poetics both from the representation of the house as the decaying and painful space of the rural aristocracy or as marked by an aesthetization of violence and cruelty in the cities.

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