Table of Contents
June 01, 2008; Volume 45,Issue 1
Special Issue Articles
- You have accessRestricted access‘ReCapricorning’ the AtlanticPeter M. BeattieLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 1-5; DOI: M. BeattieSpecial Volume Editor, Michigan State University
- You have accessRestricted access“Black Troops” and Hierarchies of Color in the Portuguese Atlantic World:The Case of Henrique Dias and His Black RegimentHebe MattosLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 6-29; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessVirgem Imperial:Nossa Senhora e império marítimo portuguêsJuliana Beatriz de Almeida SouzaLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 30-52; DOI: Beatriz de Almeida Souza
- You have accessRestricted access“Being now, as it were, one family:”Shipmate bonding on the slave vessel Emilia, in Rio de Janeiro and throughout the Atlantic WorldWalter HawthorneLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 53-77; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPara africano ver:African-Bahian Exchanges in the Reinvention of Brazil’s Racial Democracy, 1961–63Paulina AlbertoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 78-117; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Bastard Child of the Dictatorship:The Comando Vermelho and the Birth of “Narco-culture” in Rio de JaneiroBen PenglaseLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 118-145; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessO antes e o depois:Feminilidade, classe e raça na revista Plástica e Beleza*Thaïs Machado-BorgesLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 146-163; DOI:
Other Articles
- You have accessRestricted accessPaula Rego’s Sabotage of Tradition:‘Visions’ of FemininityAna Gabriela MacedoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 164-174; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessDecanting the Past:Africa, Colonialism, and the New Portuguese NovelIsabel Ferreira GouldLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 182-197; DOI:
Books Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessKlobucka, Anna M. and Mark Sabine. Embodying Pessoa: Corporeality, Gender, Sexuality. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007. Index. 303 pp.Steven F. ButtermanLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 199-200; DOI: F. ButtermanUniversity of Miami
- You have accessRestricted accessMadureira, Luís. Imagined Geographies in Portuguese and Lusophone-African Literature: Narratives of Discovery and Empire. Lewiston; Queenston; Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007. Bibliography. Index. 298 pp.Phillip RothwellLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 200-202; DOI: RothwellRutgers University
- You have accessRestricted accessHavik, Philip J. and Malyn Newitt. Creole Societies in the Portuguese Colonial Empire. Lusophone Studies 6. Bristol: Seagull/Faoileán, 2007. 276 pp.K. David JacksonLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 202-205; DOI: David JacksonYale University
- You have accessRestricted accessBraga-Pinto, César. As promessas da história: Discursos proféticos e assimi-lação no Brasil colonial (1500–1700). Trans. Hélio de Seixas Guimarães. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2003. 221 pp.Alida C. MetcalfLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 205-207; DOI: C. MetcalfTrinity University
- You have accessRestricted accessSá, Lúcia. Rain Forest Literatures: Amazonian Texts and Latin American Culture. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2004. Notes. Bibliography. 325 pp.Maria Consuelo Cunha CamposLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 208-209; DOI: Consuelo Cunha CamposUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
- You have accessRestricted accessFerreira, Débora R. de S. Pilares narrativos: A construção do eu na prosa con-temporânea de oito romancistas brasileiras. Florianópolis: Editora Mulheres, 2004. 223 pp.Luciana NamoratoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 209-210; DOI: NamoratoIndiana University
- You have accessRestricted accessMautner Wasserman, Renata R. Central at the Margin: Five Brazilian Women Writers. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2007. Index. 214 pp.Sonia RoncadorLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 211-212; DOI: RoncadorUniversity of Texas at Austin
- You have accessRestricted accessItamar Harrison, Marguerite, org. Uma cidade em camadas: Ensaios sobre o romance Eles eram muitos cavalos de Luiz Ruffato. Vinhedo, São Paulo: Editora Horizonte, 2007. 185 pp.Sophia BealLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 212-214; DOI: BealBrown University
- You have accessRestricted accessTeschner, Richard V. and Antônio R. M. Simões. Pronouncing Brazilian Portuguese. Newark: Linguatext Limited, 2007. CD-ROM. 332 pp.Clémence Jouët-PastréLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 214-216; DOI:émence Jouët-PastréHarvard University
- You have accessRestricted accessVerhaalen, Marion. Camargo Guarnieri, Brazilian Composer: A Study of His Creative Life and Works. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2005. CD. 283 pp.João Miguel FreireLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 217-218; DOI:ão Miguel FreireUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
- You have accessRestricted accessNava, Carmen and Ludwig Lauerhass, Jr., eds. Brazil in the Making. Facets of National Identity. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. 242 pp.Kathryn Bishop SanchezLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 218-220; DOI: Bishop SanchezUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessO’Dougherty, Maureen. Consumption Intensified: The Politics of Middle-Class Daily Life in Brazil. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002. 262 pp.Cristina MehrtensLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 220-221; DOI: MehrtensUniversity of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
- You have accessRestricted accessMerrell, Floyd. Capoeira and Candomblé:Conformity and Resistance Through Afro-Brazilian Experience. Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers, 2005. 317 ppAna Paula HöflingLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 222-223; DOI: Paula HöflingUniversity of California-Los Angeles
- You have accessRestricted accessContributorsLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2008, 45 (1) 225-226; DOI: