Index by author


  1. Anderson, Robert

    1. Sansi, Roger. Fetishes and Monuments: Afro-Brazilian Art and Culture in the Twentieth Century. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007. x + 213 pp.
      Robert Anderson


  1. Borge, Jason

    1. Zivin, Erin Graff (ed). The Ethics of Latin American Literary Criticism: Reading Otherwise. New York: Palgrave Mcmillian, 2007. 248 pp.
      Jason Borge


  1. Castilho, Celso T.

    1. Horne, Gerald. The Deepest South: The United States, Brazil, and the African Slave Trade. New York: New York UP, 2007. Illustrations. Notes. Index. 341 pp.
      Celso T. Castilho
  2. Chernela, Janet

    1. Seeger, Anthony. Why Suyá Sing: A Musical Anthropology of an Amazonian People. Urbana and Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2004. Bibliography. Index. CD. 159 pp.
      Janet Chernela
  3. Close, Glen

    1. Sá, Lúcia. Life in the Megalopolis. Mexico City and São Paulo. New York: Routledge, 2007. 192 pp.
      Glen Close
  4. Collares, Ana Cristina M.

    1. Wampler, Brian. Participatory Budgeting in Brazil. Contestation, Cooperation and Accountability. University Park: The Pennsylvania State UP, 2006. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. 312 pp.
      Ana Cristina M. Collares
  5. Conde, Maite


  1. de Castro Rocha, João Cezar

    1. Bethell, Leslie. Brazil by British and Irish Authors. Oxford: Centre for Brazilian Studies, University of Oxford, 2003. 134 pp.
      João Cezar de Castro Rocha
  2. de Medeiros, Paulo

    1. Rothwell, Phillip. A Canon of Empty Fathers: Paternity in Portuguese Narrative. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2007. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 221 pp.
      Paulo de Medeiros
  3. de Souza Vasconcelos, Erika França

    1. Quando Nasceu Ezequiel?O significado das datas no libelo acusatório em Dom Casmurro
      Erika França de Souza Vasconcelos
  4. Domingues, Petrônio

    1. Tudo pretoA invenção do teatro negro no Brasil
      Petrônio Domingues


  1. Ferraz, Francisco Alves

    1. McCann, Frank D. Soldiers of the Pátria: A History of the Brazilian Army, 1889–1937. Stanford: Stanford UP. 2004. 593 pp.
      Francisco Alves Ferraz
  2. Fitzgibbon, Vanessa

    1. O ressentimento racial brasileiro e a identidade marginal a partir da “História de Inferninho” em Cidade de Deus, de Paulo Lins
      Vanessa Fitzgibbon


  1. Gordus, Andrew M.

    1. The Feminist Vision in the Cinematic Writing of Edla Van Steen
      Andrew M. Gordus
  2. Gouveia, Saulo



  1. Jones-Kellogg, Rebecca

    1. Saraiva, António José. Initiation into Portuguese Literature. Trans. Christopher C. Lund. Santa Barbara: Center for Portuguese Studies, UCSB, 2007. 130 pp.
      Rebecca Jones-Kellogg


  1. Madureira, Luís

    1. Owen, Hilary. Mother Africa, Father Marx: Women’s Writing of Mozambique, 1948–2002. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2007. 274 pp.
      Luís Madureira
  2. McElroy, Isis Costa

    1. Pellegrini, Tânia. Despropósitos: Estudos de ficção brasileira contemporânea. São Paulo: Annablume/ Fapesp, 2008. 266 pp.
      Isis Costa McElroy
  3. Melo, Alfredo Cesar

    1. Bosi, Alfredo. Colony, Cult and Culture. Ed. Pedro Meira Monteiro. Trans. Robert Newcomb. Dartmouth: University of Massachussets Press, 2008. 115 pp.
      Alfredo Cesar Melo


  1. Newcomb, Robert Patrick

    1. Um programa para toda a vidaUma entrevista com Alfredo Bosi
      Robert Patrick Newcomb


  1. Osthoff, Simone


  1. Parker, Richard G.

    1. Smallman, Shawn. The AIDS Pandemic in Latin America. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2007. Notes. Index. 290 pp.
      Richard G. Parker
  2. Pedrosa, Célia

    1. Santos, Vivaldo Andrade dos. O trem do corpo: Estudo da poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. São Paulo: Nankim Editora, 2007. 209 pp.
      Célia Pedrosa
  3. Pereira, Victor Hugo Adler

    1. Dias, Ângela Maria. Cruéis paisagens: Literatura brasileira e cultura contemporânea. Niterói: EdUFF (Editora da Universidade Federal Fluminense), 2007. 182 pp.
      Victor Hugo Adler Pereira


  1. Rogers, Thomas D.

    1. Laboring LandscapesThe Environmental, Racial, and Class Worldview of the Brazilian Northeast’s Sugar Elite, 1880s–1930s
      Thomas D. Rogers


  1. Stroud, Sean

    1. Tugny, Rosângela Pereira de and Ruben Caixeta de Queiroz, (Eds.) Músicas africanas e indígenas no Brasil. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2006. 2 CDs. 359 pp.
      Sean Stroud


  1. Vieira, Patricia I.

    1. The Reason of VisionVariations on Subjectivity in José Saramago’s Ensaio sobre a Cegueira
      Patricia I. Vieira


  1. Willis, Bruce Dean

    1. Bed, Bath, and the Great BeyondRemodeling the Poetic Body with Manuel Bandeira
      Bruce Dean Willis


  1. Zaverucha, Jorge

    1. Dulles, John W. F. Resisting Brazil’s Military Regime: An Account of the Battles of Sobral Pinto. Austin: U of Texas P, 2007. Notes. Index. 324 pp.
      Jorge Zaverucha