Index by author


  1. Aragon, Daniel P.

  2. Arroyo, Jossianna

    1. Hammond, Alexandra I. White Negritude. New York: Palgrave UP, 2008. 194 pp.
      Jossianna Arroyo


  1. Barbosa, Maria José Somerlate

    1. Branche, Jerome C. Colonialism and Race in Luso-Hispanic Literature. Columbia and London: U Missouri P, 2006. 292 pp.
      Maria José Somerlate Barbosa
  2. Beebee, Thomas O.

    1. The Triangulated Transtextuality of José Eduardo Agualusa’s Nação Crioula: A Correspondência Secreta de Fradique Mendes
      Thomas O. Beebee
  3. Bezerra, Kátia da Costa

    1. Oliveira, Emanuelle K. F. Writing Identity: The Politics of Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Literature. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2008. 200 pp.
      Kátia da Costa Bezerra


  1. Carvalho, Bernardo

      Bernardo Carvalho
  2. Castilho, Celso

    1. Funding Freedom, Popularizing PoliticsAbolitionism and Local Emancipation Funds in 1880s Brazil
      Celso Castilho and Camillia Cowling
  3. Cowling, Camillia

    1. Funding Freedom, Popularizing PoliticsAbolitionism and Local Emancipation Funds in 1880s Brazil
      Celso Castilho and Camillia Cowling


  1. Daniel, Mary L.

    1. Padilha, Laura Cavalcante and Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, orgs. Lendo Angola. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2008. 199 pp.
      Mary L. Daniel
  2. Delgado, Antonio Sáez

    1. Simon, Robert. Understanding the Portuguese Poet Joaquim Pessoa, 1942–2007: A Study in Iberian Cultural Hybridity. New York, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2008. 164 pp.
      Antonio Sáez Delgado
  3. de Sousa Rocha, Fernando

    1. Nelson Rodrigues through the Keyhole; And What We Saw There
      Fernando de Sousa Rocha


  1. Ferraz, Francisco Alves

    1. Os livros didáticos e a participação brasileira na Segunda Guerra Mundial
      Francisco Alves Ferraz
  2. Fitz, Earl E.

    1. Moser, Benjamin. Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009. 496 pp.
      Earl E. Fitz
  3. Fitzgibbon, Vanessa

    1. Kelm, Orlando R. and Mary E. Risner. Brazilians Working with Americans. Austin: U of Texas P, 2007. 218 pp.
      Vanessa Fitzgibbon
  4. Foster, David William

    1. Gabara, Esther. Errant Modernism: The Ethos of Photography in Mexico and Brazil. Durham: Duke UP, 2008. 357 pp.
      David William Foster
  5. Frier, David G.

    1. “Sim, ou A Vã Glória de Mandar”Money, Power and Remorse in Eça’s O Mandarim.
      David G. Frier


  1. Gardel, André

    1. Perrone, Charles A. Letras e letras da música popular brasileira. 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro: Booklink, 2008. 274 pp.
      André Gardel
  2. Ginway, Mary Elizabeth

    1. Transgendering in Luso-Brazilian Speculative Fiction from Machado de Assis to the Present
      Mary Elizabeth Ginway


  1. Hildner, David J.

    1. Alves, Hélio J. S. Tempo para entender: História comparada da literatura portuguesa. Colecção “Da Literatura.” Casal de Cambra, Portugal: Caleidoscópio, 2006. 201 pp.
      David J. Hildner



  1. Lehnen, Leila

    1. Nunes, Zita. Cannibal Democracy: Race and Representation in the Literature of the Americas. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2008. 218 pp.
      Leila Lehnen
  2. Lisboa, Maria Manuel

    1. Mother/landComplexities of Love and Loyalty in Alexandre Herculano, Eça de Queirós and Hélia Correia
      Maria Manuel Lisboa


  1. McCann, Frank D.

    1. Hendrik Kraay, Race, State, and Armed Forces in Independence-Era Brazil: Bahia 1790s–1840s. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2001.
      Frank D. McCann
  2. Melo, Alfredo Cesar

    1. Rocha, João Cezar de Castro Rocha. O exílio do homem cordial. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Museu da República, 2005. 335 pp.
      Alfredo Cesar Melo
  3. Monteiro, Pedro Meira

    1. Todo instanteA ficção de João Almino
      Pedro Meira Monteiro
  4. Muniz, Jerônimo Oliveira

    1. Baer, Werner. The Brazilian Economy: Growth and Development. 6th ed. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 2008. 443 pp.
      Jerônimo Oliveira Muniz


  1. Owen, Hilary

    1. Moutinho, Isabel. The Colonial Wars in Contemporary Portuguese Fiction. Rochester, N.Y.: Tamesis, 2008. 176 pp.
      Hilary Owen


  1. Perrone, Charles A.


  1. Sharpe, Peggy L.

    1. Ferreira-Pinto, Cristina. Gender, Discourse and Desire in Twentieth-Century Brazilian Women’s Literature. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2004. 208 pp.
      Peggy L. Sharpe