Index by author


  1. Abreu-Ferreira, Darlene

    1. Books Reviewed
      Darlene Abreu-Ferreira
  2. Alberto, Paulina L.

    1. Books Reviewed
      Paulina L. Alberto
  3. Almino, João

    1. Como escrevo a ficção1
      João Almino
  4. Atkin, Rhian

    1. Books Reviewed
      Rhian Atkin


  1. Baltrusch, Burghard

    1. Mito Feminino e Imagologia Masculina: A Representação da Mulher em Memorial do Convento de José Saramago
      Burghard Baltrusch
  2. Beal, Sophia

    1. The Substance of Light: Literature and Public Space in Belle Époque Rio de Janeiro (1894–1914)
      Sophia Beal
  3. Benedito, Vera Lúcia

    1. Books Reviewed
      Vera Lúcia Benedito


  1. Cleveland, Kimberly

    1. Afro-Brazilian Art as a Prism: A Socio-Political History of Brazil's Artistic, Diplomatic and Economic Confluences in the Twentieth Century
      Kimberly Cleveland
  2. Colvin, Michael

    1. Books Reviewed
      Michael Colvin


  1. Daniel, Mary L.

    1. Books Reviewed
      Mary L. Daniel
  2. de Almeida Cardoso, André Cabral

    1. The Face in the Portrait: Machado de Assis and the Sentimental Reader of A Estação
      André Cabral de Almeida Cardoso
  3. Doel, Priscilla A.

    1. Books Reviewed
      Priscilla A. Doel


  1. Erber, Pedro

    1. The Word as Object: Concrete Poetry, Ideogram, and the Materialization of Language
      Pedro Erber


  1. Green, James N.

    1. Books Reviewed
      James N. Green


  1. Hall, Anthony

    1. Books Reviewed
      Anthony Hall


  1. Jobim, José Luís

    1. Books Reviewed
      José Luís Jobim


  1. Lorenz, Johnny

    1. The Faulty Metaphors of Finance in: Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
      Johnny Lorenz


  1. Monteiro, George

    1. Books Reviewed
      George Monteiro
  2. Moraes, Eliane Robert

    1. Books Reviewed
      Eliane Robert Moraes


  1. Newcomb, Robert

    1. Iberian Anguish;Unamuno's Influence on Miguel Torga
      Robert Newcomb
  2. Nogueira, Carlos

    1. A poesia portuguesa erótica e satírica do século XVIII: Do Abade de Jazente a Bocage e a Lobo de Carvalho
      Carlos Nogueira


  1. Pellegrini, Tânia

    1. Belo, bom e justo: O Realismo em Portugal
      Tânia Pellegrini


  1. San-Juan, Maribel

    1. A viva evocação da impossibilidade: Uma análise pós-modernista de Água viva de Clarice Lispector
      Maribel San-Juan
  2. Selka, Stephen

    1. Books Reviewed
      Stephen Selka


  1. Villar, Carmen Ramos

    1. Janus and the Portuguese Emigrant: The Autobiographies of Portuguese Immigrants in the United States1
      Carmen Ramos Villar


  1. Yokozawa, Solange Fiuza Cardoso

    1. Books Reviewed
      Solange Fiuza Cardoso Yokozawa