Table of Contents

Brazilian Slavery and its Legacies


  1. Afonso, Rui

    1. Milgram, Avraham. Portugal, Salazar and the Jews. Trans. Naft ali Green-wood. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2011. 324 pp.
      Rui Afonso
  2. Araújo, Ana Lúcia

    1. History and Heritage of Slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade in the South Atlantic
      Ana Lúcia Araújo and Ana Lúcia Araújo
    2. History and Heritage of Slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade in the South Atlantic
      Ana Lúcia Araújo and Ana Lúcia Araújo
    3. Pierre Fatumbi VergerNegotiating Connections Between Brazil and the Bight of Benin
      Ana Lúcia Araújo and Ana Lúcia Araújo
    4. Pierre Fatumbi VergerNegotiating Connections Between Brazil and the Bight of Benin
      Ana Lúcia Araújo and Ana Lúcia Araújo


  1. Besse, Susan

    1. Edmonds, Alexander. Pretty Modern: Beauty, Sex, and Plastic Surgery in Brazil. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2010. 297 pp.
      Susan Besse
  2. Bezerra, Kátia da Costa

    1. Barbosa, Maria José Somerlate. Recitação da passagem: A obra poética de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. Belo Horizonte: Mazza Edições, 2009. 272 pp.
      Kátia da Costa Bezerra
  3. Blake, Stanley E.

    1. Kim Richardson. Quebra-Quilos and Peasant Resistance: Peasants, Religion, and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Brazil. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2011. 157 pp.
      Stanley E. Blake


  1. Candido, Mariana P.

    1. South Atlantic ExchangesThe Role of Brazilian-Born Agents in Benguela, 1650–1850
      Mariana P. Candido
  2. Castillo, Lisa Earl

    1. The Alaketu Temple and its Founders Portrait of an Afro-Brazilian Dynasty
      Lisa Earl Castillo
  3. Chopra, Preeti

    1. Sarmento, João. Fortifications, Post-colonialism and Power: Ruins and Imperial Legacies. Series: Heritage, Culture and Identity. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2011. 174 pp.
      Preeti Chopra


  1. de Senna, Marta

    1. Teles, Adriana da Costa. O labirinto enunciativo em Memorial de Aires. São Paulo: Annablume, 2009. 148 pp.
      Marta de Senna
  2. Dunn, Christopher

    1. “Experimentar o Experimental”Avant-garde, Cultura Marginal, and Counterculture in Brazil, 1968–72
      Christopher Dunn


  1. Fernandes, Ana Raquel Lourenço

    1. Owen, Hilary and Cláudia Pazos Alonso. Antigone’s Daughters? Gender, Genealogy, and the Politics of Authorship in 20th-Century Portuguese Women’s Writing. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2011. 255 pp.
      Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes
  2. Fernandes, Valéria Dorneles

    1. Fragile LibertyThe Enslavement of Free People in the Borderlands of Brazil and Uruguay, 1846–1866
      Karl Monsma and Valéria Dorneles Fernandes
  3. Foster, David William

    1. Nair, Parvati. A Different Light: The Photography of Sebastião Salgado. Durham: Duke UP, 2011. 365 pp.
      David William Foster


  1. Kenny, Mary Lorena

    1. The Contours of Quilombola Identity in the Sertão
      Mary Lorena Kenny


  1. Libby, Douglas

    1. A Culture of ColorsRepresentational Identities and Afro-Brazilians in Minas Gerais in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
      Douglas Libby
  2. Libby, Douglas C.

    1. Fonseca, Cláudia Damasceno. Arraiais e Vilas Del Rei: espaço e poder nas Minas setecentistas. Maria Juliana Gambogi Teixeira e Cládia Damaceno Fonseca, trads. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2011. 731 pp.
      Douglas C. Libby


  1. Marchezan, Luiz Gonzaga

    1. Valente, Luiz Fernando. Mundivivências: Leituras comparativas de Guimarães Rosa. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2011. 156 pp.
      Luiz Gonzaga Marchezan
  2. Monsma, Karl

    1. Fragile LibertyThe Enslavement of Free People in the Borderlands of Brazil and Uruguay, 1846–1866
      Karl Monsma and Valéria Dorneles Fernandes


  1. Pitt, Kristin E.

    1. Discovery and Conquest Through a Poststructural and Postcolonial LensClarice Lispector’s A maçã no escuro
      Kristin E. Pitt


  1. Ribeiro, Marília Scaff Rocha

    1. A Long Journey Home: Local Meets Global in João Gilberto Noll’s Berkeley em Bellagio
      Marília Scaff Rocha Ribeiro
  2. Rodrigues, Luís Nuno

    1. Meneses, Filipe Ribeiro de. Salazar: A Political Biography. New York: Enigma Books, 2010. 641 pp.
      Luís Nuno Rodrigues


  1. Santos, Alessandra

    1. Dent, Alexander Sebastian. River of Tears: Country Music, Memory, and Modernity in Brazil. Durham: Duke UP, 2009. 298pp.
      Alessandra Santos
  2. Shellhorse, Adam Joseph

    1. The Explosion of the LetterThe Crisis of the Poetic and Representation in João Cabral de Melo Neto’s Morte e vida severina: Auto de Natal pernambucano
      Adam Joseph Shellhorse
  3. Stamm, Michael

    1. Dinius, Oliver J. and Angela Vergara, eds., Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and Working-Class Communities. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2011. 236 pp.
      Michael Stamm


  1. Villar, Carmen Ramos

    1. Leal, João. Azorean Identity in Brazil and the United States: Arguments About History, Culture and Transnational Connections. Dartmouth: Tagus Press, 2011. 192 pp.
      Carmen Ramos Villar