Table of Contents
June 01, 2014; Volume 51,Issue 1
Borge, Jason
- You have accessRestricted accessPanis et CircensisThe Brazilian Circus Imaginary from Modernism to TropicáliaJason BorgeLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 199-219; DOI:
Campbell, Courtney J.
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom Mimicry to AuthenticityThe Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasilieiros on the Possibility of Brazilian Culture (1954–1960)Courtney J. CampbellLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 157-181; DOI:
Chambouleyron, Rafael
- You have accessRestricted accessCacao, Bark-Clove and Agriculture in the Portuguese Amazon Region in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth CenturyRafael ChambouleyronLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 1-35; DOI:
Dewulf, Jeroen
- You have accessRestricted accessNew Man in the TropicsThe Nietzschean Roots of Gilberto Freyre’s Multiracial Identity ConceptJeroen DewulfLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 93-111; DOI:
Durao, Fabio Akcelrud
- You have accessRestricted accessFerreira GullarPoesia e intensidadeFabio Akcelrud Durão and Mario FrungilloLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 182-198; DOI:
Fernandes, Dmitri Cerboncini
- You have accessRestricted accessA negra essencialização do sambaDmitri Cerboncini FernandesLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 132-156; DOI: Cerboncini Fernandes
Frier, David G.
- You have accessRestricted accessWho Wrote the Rules?Consumers and Consumption in Eça’s A cidade e as serras and Saramago’s A cavernaDavid G. FrierLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 112-131; DOI:
Frungillo, Mario
- You have accessRestricted accessFerreira GullarPoesia e intensidadeFabio Akcelrud Durão and Mario FrungilloLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 182-198; DOI:
Gledson, John
- You have accessRestricted accessSenna, Marta de, and Hélio de Seixas Guimarães, orgs. Machado de Assis e o outro: diálogos possíveis. Rio de Janeiro: Móbile, 2012. 159 pp.John GledsonLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 221-224; DOI: GledsonUniversity of Liverpool
Madureira, Luís
- You have accessRestricted accessBlackmore, Josiah. Moorings: Portuguese Expansion and the Writing of Africa. Minneapolis, MN and London: U of Minnesota P, 2009. xxiv + 209 pp.Luís MadureiraLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2014, 51 (1) 231-236; DOI:ís MadureiraUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison