Index by author


  1. Alberto, Paulina

    1. Dávila, Jerry. Hotel Trópico: Brazil and the Challenge of African Decolonization, 1950–1980. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2010. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 328 pp.
      Paulina Alberto
  2. Anitagrace, Joyce

    1. The Writer as Visual ArtistClarice Lispector’s A Paixão segundo G.H. in Dialogue with the Neo-Concrete Art Movement
      Joyce Anitagrace


  1. Bezerra, Kátia da Costa

    1. Alice não vive no país das maravilhasAs novas faces do espaço urbano português
      Kátia da Costa Bezerra
  2. Blanc, Jacob

    1. Langland, Victoria. Speaking of Flowers: Student Movements and the Making and Remembering of 1968 in Military Brazil. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2013. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 352 pp.
      Jacob Blanc
  3. Braga-Pinto, César

    1. The Honor of the Abolitionist and the Shamefulness of SlaveryRaul Pompeia, Luiz Gama, and Joaquim Nabuco
      César Braga-Pinto


  1. Coates, Timothy J.


  1. Dunn, Christopher

    1. Davis, Darién. White Face, Black Mask: Africaneity and the Early Social History of Popular Music in Brazil. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2009. 265 pp.
      Christopher Dunn


  1. Enslen, Joshua Alma

    1. Between Tijuca and MarsMaddening Intertextualities in Clarice Lispector’s “A imitação da rosa”
      Joshua Alma Enslen


  1. Izecksohn, Vitor

    1. Smith, Joseph. Brazil and the United States: Convergence and Divergence. Athens and London: U of Georgia P, 2010. Epilogue. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 243 pp.
      Vitor Izecksohn


  1. Kiddy, Elizabeth W.


  1. Lewis, Christopher T.

    1. Rocha, Marília Librandi. Maranhão-Manhattan: Ensaios de literatura brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2009. 188 pp.
      Christopher T. Lewis


  1. McMahon, Christina S.

    1. Sozinha no Palco (Lusófono)?Circulation and Race Reflexivity in the Theatre of Mário Lúcio Sousa
      Christina S. McMahon
  2. Melo e Castro, Paul

    1. Out into UncertaintyThe Lonely Voices of Epitácio Pais’s Goan Short Stories1
      Paul Melo e Castro
  3. Morris, Adam

    1. Fernando Pessoa’s Heteronymic Machine
      Adam Morris


  1. Perrone, Charles A.

    1. Hertzman, Marc A. Making Samba: A New History of Race and Music in Brazil. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2013. Illus. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 364 pp.
      Charles A. Perrone


  1. Rocha, Carolina

    1. Can Children Speak in Film?Children’s Subjectivity in Mutum (2007) and O contador de histórias (2009)
      Carolina Rocha


  1. Santos, Martha S.

    1. Recreating Patriarchy in Northeast BrazilWidows, Property Rights, and Gender Inequality in the Backlands of Ceará, 1845–18891
      Martha S. Santos
  2. Skidmore, Thomas E.

    1. Mapping the Amazon
      Thomas E. Skidmore


  1. Teixeira, Ana Catarina

    1. Brugioni, Elena, Joana Passos, Andreia Sarabando, and Marie-Manuelle Silva (ed). Áfricas Contemporâneas / Contemporary Africas. Ribeirão, Portugal: Edições Húmus, 2010. 205 pp.
      Ana Catarina Teixeira