Index by author
December 01, 2014; Volume 51,Issue 2
Alberto, Paulina
- You have accessRestricted accessDávila, Jerry. Hotel Trópico: Brazil and the Challenge of African Decolonization, 1950–1980. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2010. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 328 pp.Paulina AlbertoLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 215-219; DOI: AlbertoUniversity of Michigan
Anitagrace, Joyce
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Writer as Visual ArtistClarice Lispector’s A Paixão segundo G.H. in Dialogue with the Neo-Concrete Art MovementJoyce AnitagraceLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 31-67; DOI:
Bezerra, Kátia da Costa
- You have accessRestricted accessAlice não vive no país das maravilhasAs novas faces do espaço urbano portuguêsKátia da Costa BezerraLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 17-30; DOI:
Blanc, Jacob
- You have accessRestricted accessLangland, Victoria. Speaking of Flowers: Student Movements and the Making and Remembering of 1968 in Military Brazil. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2013. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 352 pp.Jacob BlancLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 219-222; DOI: BlancUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
Braga-Pinto, César
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Honor of the Abolitionist and the Shamefulness of SlaveryRaul Pompeia, Luiz Gama, and Joaquim NabucoCésar Braga-PintoLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 170-199; DOI:
Coates, Timothy J.
- You have accessRestricted accessBethencourt, Francisco, and Adrian Pearce (ed). Racism and Ethnic Relations in the Portuguese-Speaking World. Proceedings of the British Academy number 179. New York: Oxford UP, 2012. Tables. Graphs. 300 pp.Timothy J. CoatesLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 207-209; DOI: J. CoatesThe College of Charleston
Dunn, Christopher
- You have accessRestricted accessDavis, Darién. White Face, Black Mask: Africaneity and the Early Social History of Popular Music in Brazil. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2009. 265 pp.Christopher DunnLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 213-215; DOI: DunnTulane University
Enslen, Joshua Alma
- You have accessRestricted accessBetween Tijuca and MarsMaddening Intertextualities in Clarice Lispector’s “A imitação da rosa”Joshua Alma EnslenLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 68-79; DOI:
Izecksohn, Vitor
- You have accessRestricted accessSmith, Joseph. Brazil and the United States: Convergence and Divergence. Athens and London: U of Georgia P, 2010. Epilogue. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 243 pp.Vitor IzecksohnLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 222-225; DOI: IzecksohnUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Kiddy, Elizabeth W.
- You have accessRestricted accessMacCord, Marcelo. O Rosário de D. Antônio: Irmandades negras, alianças e conflitos na história social do Recife, 1848–1872. Recife: Ed. Universitária da UFPE, 2005. Bibliography. 294 pp.Elizabeth W. KiddyLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 203-205; DOI: W. KiddyAlbright College
Lewis, Christopher T.
- You have accessRestricted accessRocha, Marília Librandi. Maranhão-Manhattan: Ensaios de literatura brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2009. 188 pp.Christopher T. LewisLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 225-228; DOI: T. LewisThe University of Utah
McMahon, Christina S.
- You have accessRestricted accessSozinha no Palco (Lusófono)?Circulation and Race Reflexivity in the Theatre of Mário Lúcio SousaChristina S. McMahonLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 80-104; DOI:
Melo e Castro, Paul
- You have accessRestricted accessOut into UncertaintyThe Lonely Voices of Epitácio Pais’s Goan Short Stories1Paul Melo e CastroLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 105-125; DOI:
Morris, Adam
- You have accessRestricted accessFernando Pessoa’s Heteronymic MachineAdam MorrisLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 126-149; DOI:
Perrone, Charles A.
- You have accessRestricted accessHertzman, Marc A. Making Samba: A New History of Race and Music in Brazil. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2013. Illus. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 364 pp.Charles A. PerroneLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 209-213; DOI: A. PerroneUniversity of Florida
Rocha, Carolina
- You have accessRestricted accessCan Children Speak in Film?Children’s Subjectivity in Mutum (2007) and O contador de histórias (2009)Carolina RochaLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 1-16; DOI:
Santos, Martha S.
- You have accessRestricted accessRecreating Patriarchy in Northeast BrazilWidows, Property Rights, and Gender Inequality in the Backlands of Ceará, 1845–18891Martha S. SantosLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 150-169; DOI:
Skidmore, Thomas E.
- You have accessRestricted accessMapping the AmazonThomas E. SkidmoreLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 200-202; DOI:
Teixeira, Ana Catarina
- You have accessRestricted accessBrugioni, Elena, Joana Passos, Andreia Sarabando, and Marie-Manuelle Silva (ed). Áfricas Contemporâneas / Contemporary Africas. Ribeirão, Portugal: Edições Húmus, 2010. 205 pp.Ana Catarina TeixeiraLuso-Brazilian Review, December 2014, 51 (2) 205-207; DOI: Catarina TeixeiraMassachusetts Institute of Technology