Table of Contents


  1. Atencio, Rebecca

    1. Resistance or Reconciliation?: Fernando Gabeira’s O que é isso, companheiro? and the 1979 Amnesty Law
      Rebecca Atencio



  1. Candido, Mariana P.

    1. Green, Toby, ed. Brokers of Change: Atlantic Commerce and Cultures in Precolonial Africa. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012. 415 pp.
      Mariana P. Candido


  1. Hanley, Anne

    1. Cristina Peixoto-Mehrtens. Urban Space and National Identity in Early Twentieth Century São Paulo, Brazil: Crafting Modernity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 274 pp.
      Anne Hanley
  2. Hughes, Arthur J.

    1. Absence and Presence: The Here and There of Identity in Mia Couto’s Terra Sonâmbula
      Arthur J. Hughes


  1. Jackson, K. David

    1. Medeiros, Paulo de. Pessoa’s Geometry of the Abyss: Modernity and the Book of Disquiet. London: Legenda, 2013. Bibliography. Index. x + 134 pp.
      K. David Jackson



  1. Lewis, Christopher T.

    1. When the Glass SlipsJung, Transmodernism, and Santiago Nazarian’s Thomas Schmidt
      Christopher T. Lewis


  1. Margolis, Maxine

    1. Gibson, Annie McNeill. Post-Katrina Brazucas: Brazilian Immigrants in New Orleans. U of New Orleans P, 2012. 302 pp.
      Maxine Margolis


  1. Nascimento, Rômulo

  2. Nielson, Rex P.

    1. Moreira, Paulo. Modernismo localista das Américas: Os contos de Faulkner, Guimarães Rosa e Rulfo. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2012. 344 pp.
      Rex P. Nielson


  1. Paiva, Valéria

    1. O mundo em fragmentosMarques Rebelo, a política e as letras no Estado Novo
      Valéria Paiva
  2. Paquette, Gabriel

  3. Pardue, Derek

    1. Kriolu InterruptionsLocal Lisbon Rappers Provoke a Rethinking of “Luso” and “Creole”
      Derek Pardue
  4. Penha-Lopes, Vânia

    1. Cicalo, André. Urban Encounters: Affirmative Action and Black Identities in Brazil. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 229 pp.
      Vânia Penha-Lopes


  1. Shaw, Lisa

    1. The teatro de revista in Rio de Janeiro in the 1920sTransnational Dialogues and Popular Cosmopolitanism
      Lisa Shaw
  2. Sobreira, Ricardo

    1. Capitu was more of a Woman than I was a Man: Ambivalence and Sexual Ambiguity in a Television Adaptation of Dom Casmurro
      Ricardo Sobreira
  3. Stone, Emma

    1. An Alternative Healing ParadigmA Case Study of Spiritual Therapy in Umbanda
      Emma Stone


  1. Welge, Jobst

    1. Machado de Assis’ Esaú e JacóAnd the Problem of Historical Representation
      Jobst Welge
  2. Whigham, Thomas L.

    1. Brazil’s “Balloon Corps”Pride, Desperation, and the Limits of Military Intelligence in the Triple Alliance War
      Thomas L. Whigham