Index by author

  1. Barbosa, Maria José Somerlate

    1. Ickes, Scott. African-Brazilian Culture and Regional Identity in Bahia, Brazil. Gainesville, FL: UP of Florida, 2013. 322 pp. Illustrations. Appendix. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
      Maria José Somerlate Barbosa
  2. Beal, Sophia

  3. Bernucci, Leopoldo M.

    1. Hecht, Susanna B. The Scramble for the Amazon and the Lost Paradise of Euclides da Cunha. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2013. 612 pp. Maps. Tables. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
      Leopoldo M. Bernucci
  4. Blanc, Jacob

    1. The Last Political PrisonerJuvêncio Mazzarollo and the Twilight of Brazil’s Dictatorship
      Jacob Blanc
  5. Carballo, Pablo Zambrano

    1. João Cabral de Melo Neto and the (Re)Shaping of the Luso-Brazilian Poetry Canon
      Pablo Zambrano Carballo
  6. Castilho, Celso Thomas

  7. Cicalo, André

    1. Perry, Keisha-Khan Y. Black Women against the Land Grab: The Fight for Racial Justice in Brazil. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2013. 213 pp.
      André Cicalo
  8. De Magalhaes, Valéria Barbosa

    1. Martes, Ana Cristina Braga. New Immigrants, New Land: A Study of Brazilians in Massachusetts. Beth Ransdell Vinkler, trans. Gainsville: UP of Florida, 2011. 302 pp. Index. Notes. Bibliography.
      Valéria Barbosa de Magalhães
  9. De Medeiros, Elen

    1. Faria, João Roberto, org. História do teatro brasileiro. 2 vols. São Paulo, Perspectiva; Edições SESC/SP, 2012. 994 pp.
      Elen de Medeiros
  10. Galm, Eric A.

    1. Treece, David. Brazilian Jive: From Samba to Bossa and Rap. London: Reaktion, 2013. 232 pp. Chronology. Glossary. Bibliography. Discography. Filmography.
      Eric A. Galm
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