Table of Contents

  1. Atencio, Rebecca J.

    1. Toward a Culture of Memory in Brazil: Reading Bernardo Kucinski’s K. as Testimony and Literature
      Rebecca J. Atencio
  2. Besse, Susan

    1. Rubin, Jeffrey and Emma Sokoloff-Rubin. Sustaining Activism: A Brazilian Women’s Movement and a Father-Daughter Collaboration. Durham: Duke UP, 2013. 200 pp.
      Susan Besse
  3. Blake, Stanley E.

    1. Recife Novo: Envisioning Modernity in Pernambuco, 1920–1930
      Stanley E. Blake
  4. Brockey, Liam Matthew

    1. Herzog, Tamar. Frontiers of Possession: Spain and Portugal in Europe and the Americas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2015. 400 pp.
      Liam Matthew Brockey
  5. Brugioni, Elena

    1. Owen, Hilary and Anna M. Klobucka eds. Gender, Empire, and Postcolony: Luso-Afro-Brazilian Intersections. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014. 229 pp.
      Elena Brugioni
  6. Chazkel, Amy

  7. De Oliveira, Francisco Roque

  8. Galm, Eric A.

  9. Gardel, André

    1. Santos, Alessandra. Arnaldo Canibal Antunes. São Paulo: n Versos, 2013. 295 pp.
      André Gardel
  10. Kittleson, Roger

    1. Remembering Tom Skidmore (1932–2016)
      Roger Kittleson and Joel Wolfe
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