Table of Contents
June 01, 2017; Volume 54,Issue 1
Luso-Brazilian Review
- You have accessRestricted accessIn Memory of B. J. BarickmanHistorian, Teacher, MentorMartha S. SantosLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 1-8; DOI: S. SantosDepartment of History, College of Arts and Sciences, 207A, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-1902
- You have accessRestricted accessThe June 2013 Uprisings and the Waning of Lulismo in BrazilOf Antagonism, Contradiction, and OxymoronIdelber AvelarLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 9-27; DOI: AvelarTulane University, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118
- You have accessRestricted accessHerança escravista e forma poética no BrasilAs apropriações do gênero do Marco por um cantador afrodescendente, Joaquim Francisco Santana (1877–1917)Paulo Teixeira IumattiLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 28-54; DOI: Teixeira IumattiUniversidade de São Paulo, Praça do Relógio Solar, 342, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-050, Brazil
- You have accessRestricted accessWoman-Body-PaintHelena Almeida and the Visual Inscription of Sexual DifferenceMaria Luísa CoelhoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 55-77; DOI: Luísa CoelhoUniversity of Minho, Centro de Estudos Humanísticos, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Braga 4710-057, Portugal
- You have accessRestricted accessClean Break, Tangled LivesDecember 1961 in the Goan Short Stories “Rucmá, a mulherzinha de Salém” by Maria Elsa da Rocha and “Guerra” by Sheela KolambkarPaul Melo e CastroLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 78-101; DOI: Melo e CastroUniversity of Leeds, SPLAS Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
- You have accessRestricted accessDrummondA arquitetura em ruínasFabio Cesar AlvesLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 102-118; DOI: Cesar AlvesAv. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil
- You have accessRestricted access“Tudo se entronca”Mário de Andrade and Luis Quintanilla’s Epistolary FriendshipOdile CisnerosLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 119-137; DOI: CisnerosUniversity of Alberta, MLCS Arts 200, Edmonton, Alberta T6G2E6, Canada
- You have accessRestricted access“Meu amigo e comborço”Dimensões homoeróticas do Dom Casmurro de Machado de AssisMarcelo da Rocha Lima DiegoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 138-158; DOI: da Rocha Lima DiegoPrinceton University, Spanish and Portuguese 359, East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544-5264
- You have accessRestricted accessContributorsLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) 159-160; DOI:
Books Reviewed
- You have accessRestricted accessWeinstein, Barbara. The Color of Modernity: São Paulo and the Making of Race and Nation in Brazil. Durham: Duke UP, 2015. 458 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Paulina AlbertoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E1-E4; DOI: AlbertoUniversity of Michigan
- You have accessRestricted accessMachado, Maria Helena P. T., and Celso Thomas Castilho, orgs. Tornando-se livre: Agentes históricos e lutas sociais no processo de abolição. São Paulo: Edusp, 2015. 480 pp. Notes. References. Figures. Contributors.Roderick J. BarmanLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E5; DOI: J. BarmanUniversity of British Columbia
- You have accessRestricted accessBosi, Alfredo. Brazil and the Dialectic of Colonization. Trans. Robert Patrick Newcomb. Urbana, IL: U of Illinois P, 2015. xiv + 373 pp. Notes. Index.Kátia C. BezerraLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E6-E7; DOI:átia C. BezerraUniversity of Arizona
- You have accessRestricted accessBishop-Sanchez, Kathryn. Creating Carmen Miranda: Race, Camp, and Transnational Stardom. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2016. xiii + 290 pp. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Filmography. Index.Dário Borim Jr.Luso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E8-E10; DOI:ário Borim Jr.UMass Dartmouth
- You have accessRestricted accessPenglase, R. Ben. Living with Insecurity in a Brazilian Favela: Urban Violence and Daily Life. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2014. xi + 210 pp. Notes. References. Index.John BurdickLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E11-E13; DOI: BurdickSyracuse University
- You have accessRestricted accessKing, Edward. Virtual Orientalism in Brazilian Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. ix + 214 pp. Figures. Notes. Works Cited. Index.Juan David Cadena B.Luso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E14-E16; DOI: David Cadena B.Columbia University
- You have accessRestricted accessFitz, Earl E. Machado de Assis and Female Characterization: The Novels. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2015. xv + 235 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Marcelo DiegoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E17-E19; DOI: DiegoPrinceton University
- You have accessRestricted accessPardue, Derek. Cape Verde, Let’s Go: Creole Rappers and Citizenship in Portugal. Urbana, IL: U of Illinois P, 2015. 192 pp. Illustrations. Notes. References. Index.Falina EnriquezLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E20-E21; DOI: EnriquezUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessMinchillo, Carlos Cortez. Erico Verissimo, escritor do mundo: Circulação literária, cosmopolitismo e relações interamericanas. São Paulo: Edusp, 2015. 320 pp. Notes. Bibliography.Luís Augusto FischerLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E22-E24; DOI:ís Augusto FischerUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- You have accessRestricted accessJackson, K. David. Machado de Assis: A Literary Life. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2015. 336 pp.Earl E. FitzLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E25-E28; DOI: E. FitzVanderbilt University
- You have accessRestricted accessRosas-Moreno, Tania Cantrell. News and Novela in Brazilian Media: Fact, Fiction, and National Identity. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014. x + 149 pp. References. Index.Vanessa FitzgibbonLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E29-E31; DOI: FitzgibbonBrigham Young University
- You have accessRestricted accessSousa, Ronald W. On Emerging from Hyper-Nation: Saramago’s “Historical” Trilogy. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2014. 196 pp. Notes. Works Cited. Index.David G. FrierLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E32-E34; DOI: G. FrierUniversity of Leeds
- You have accessRestricted accessRoller, Heather F. Amazonian Routes: Indigenous Mobility and Colonial Communities in Northern Brazil. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 2014. xx + 342 pp. Illustrations. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.Seth W. GarfieldLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E35-E36; DOI: W. GarfieldUniversity of Texas at Austin
- You have accessRestricted accessBeattie, Peter M. Punishment in Paradise: Race, Slavery, Human Rights, and a Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Penal Colony. Durham: Duke UP, 2015. 337 pp. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Marc A. HertzmanLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E37-E39; DOI: A. HertzmanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- You have accessRestricted accessDenyer Willis, Graham. The Killing Consensus: Police, Organized Crime, and the Regulation of Life and Death in Urban Brazil. Oakland, CA: U of California P, 2015. 192 pp. Illustrations. References. Index.Martine JeanLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E40-E41; DOI: JeanUniversity of South Carolina, Columbia
- You have accessRestricted accessTupinambá de Ulhôa, Martha, Cláudia Azevedo, and Felipe Trotta, eds. Made in Brazil: Studies in Popular Music. New York: Routledge, 2015. 249 pp. Illustrations. Glossary. Index.Brendan LoulaLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E42-E43; DOI: LoulaIndependent Scholar
- You have accessRestricted accessPeres, Marcos Flamínio. As minas e a agulheta: romance e história em As minas de prata, de José de Alencar. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2015. 124 pp.Wilton José MarquesLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E44-E45; DOI: José MarquesUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
- You have accessRestricted accessBaltrusch, Burghard, ed. “O que transforma o mundo é a necessidade e não a utopia”: Estudos sobre a utopia e a ficção em José Saramago. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2014. 278 pp. Contributors. Bibliography. Index.Paulo de MedeirosLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E46-E47; DOI: de MedeirosUniversity of Warwick
- You have accessRestricted accessAtkin, Rhian. Lisbon Revisited: Urban Masculinities in Twentieth-Century Portuguese Fiction. London: Legenda, 2014. 196 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Rex P. NielsonLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E48-E50; DOI: P. NielsonBrigham Young University
- You have accessRestricted accessFerreira, Glória and Paulo Herkenhoff, eds. Mário Pedrosa Primary Documents. Trans. Stephen Berg. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2015. 464 pp. Figures. References. Chronology. Contributors. Index.Simone OsthoffLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E51-E54; DOI: OsthoffPennsylvania State University
- You have accessRestricted accessMcCann, Bryan. Hard Times in the Marvelous City: From Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2014. xi + 249 pp. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Ben PenglaseLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E55-E57; DOI: PenglaseLoyola University Chicago
- You have accessRestricted accessMorgan, Zachary R. Legacy of the Lash: Race and Corporal Punishment in the Brazilian Navy and the Atlantic World. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 2014. xiv + 320 pp. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Álvaro Pereira do NascimentoLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E58-E61; DOI:Álvaro Pereira do NascimentoUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
- You have accessRestricted accessGray de Castro, Mariana. Fernando Pessoa’s Shakespeare: The Invention of the Heteronyms. London: Critical, Cultural and Communications Press, 2015. 270 pp. Notes. Appendix. Bibliography. Index.Jerónimo PizarroLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E62-E63; DOI:ónimo PizarroUniversidad de los Andes
- You have accessRestricted accessRosa, Cristina F. Brazilian Bodies and Their Choreographies of Identification: Swing Nation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. x + 281 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index.Alessandra SantosLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E64-E65; DOI: SantosUniversity of British Columbia
- You have accessRestricted accessGordon, Richard A. Cinema, Slavery, and Brazilian Nationalism. Austin: U of Texas P, 2015. xi + 272 pp. Illustrations. Notes. Works Cited. Index.Lisa ShawLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E66-E68; DOI: ShawUniversity of Liverpool
- You have accessRestricted accessCarter, Miguel, ed. Challenging Social Inequality: The Landless Rural Workers Movement and Agrarian Reform in Brazil. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2015. xxix + 494 pp. Illustrations. Bibliography. Contributors. Index.Cliff WelchLuso-Brazilian Review, June 2017, 54 (1) E69-E71; DOI: WelchUniversidade Federal de São Paulo