
Luso-Brazilian Review Guidelines for Authors

Updated August 2021


The Luso-Brazilian Review publishes interdisciplinary scholarship on Portuguese, Brazilian, and Lusophone African cultures, with special emphasis on scholarly works in literature, history, and the social sciences.


The journal welcomes new manuscript submissions sent via our online journal management system (link below). We do not accept unsolicited book reviews except proposed book review essays approved by an editor.


The Luso-Brazilian Review recommends that authors familiarize themselves with the content of the journal by reading recent issues (link). In whichever field they are written, manuscripts should emphasize the Lusophone world and contribute original arguments that would be of interest to the journal’s readers.


The Luso-Brazilian Review accepts manuscripts in the following fields:

  • Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • History
  • Social Sciences


We do not, for example, accept submissions in the areas of political science, creative writing, or fiction.


It is expected that authors read and adhere to our submission guidelines. Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will be sent back to authors.


Click here to download a PDF of the Submission Guidelines.


Click here to submit a manuscript.


Publishing Fees

We accept publishing fees for Gold Open Access and page fees. Page fees are requested when a research grant or other institutional funds are available to underwrite publication costs. Ability to pay is not a condition for acceptance of a manuscript. To pay online, please go to: or email [email protected] for assistance.