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- You have accessRestricted accessFerreira, Ana Paula. Women Writing Portuguese Colonialism in Africa. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2020.Hilary OwenLuso-Brazilian Review, January 2022, 58 (2) E6-E9; DOI: OwenUniversity of Oxford
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- You have accessRestricted accessSneed, Paul. Machine Gun Voices: Favelas and Utopia in Brazilian Gangster Funk. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2019.Dennis NovaesLuso-Brazilian Review, January 2022, 58 (2) 221-225; DOI: NovaesFederal University of Rio de Janeiro
- You have accessRestricted accessContributorsLuso-Brazilian Review, January 2022, 58 (2) 226-227; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessRoth, Cassia. A Miscarriage of Justice: Women’s Reproductive Lives and the Law in Early Twentieth-Century Brazil. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2020. 359 pp.Kenneth P. SerbinLuso-Brazilian Review, January 2022, 58 (2) E10-E11; DOI: P. SerbinUniversity of San Diego