RT Journal Article
SR Electronic
T1 DaCosta Holton, Kimberly, and Andrea Klint, eds. Community, Culture, and the Makings of Identity: Portuguese-Americans along the Eastern Seaboard. Portuguese in the Americas Series. Vol. 11. Series Ed. Frank F. Sousa. North Dartmouth, Massachusetts: U of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, 2009. 650 pp.
JF Luso-Brazilian Review
JO Luso-Braz Rev
FD University of Wisconsin Press
SP 152
OP 153
DO 10.1353/lbr.2011.0005
VO 48
IS 1
A1 Kate Vieira
YR 2011
UL http://lbr.uwpress.org/content/48/1/152.abstract