RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Vieira e os conflitos com os colonos do Pará e Maranhão JF Luso-Brazilian Review JO Luso-Braz Rev FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 79 OP 87 DO 10.3368/lbr.40.1.79 VO 40 IS 1 A1 Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva A1 Thomas Cohen A1 Stuart B. Schwartz YR 2003 UL http://lbr.uwpress.org/content/40/1/79.abstract AB The contlicts between António Vieira and the colonists of Pará and Maranhão resulted from on the one hand, an innovative notion of “just war” that reduced the number of slaves taken and, on the other hand, Vieira's preference for placing free Indians in the villages rather than funding expeditions to capture Indians in the backlands. The colonists were not interested in salaried, free Indians but in enslaved Indians. The Jesuits' power to decide all matters related to the indigenous population considerably reduced the availability of labor for the colonists' various farming enterprises. From this arose the rebellion against, and the consequent expulsion of, the Jesuits from Northern Amazonia.