RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Homens em evidência JF Luso-Brazilian Review JO Luso-Braz Rev FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 163 OP 177 DO 10.1353/lbr.2010.0014 VO 47 IS 2 A1 Luciana Rosar Fornazari Klanovicz YR 2010 UL http://lbr.uwpress.org/content/47/2/163.abstract AB This article discusses the images of male bodies published by the Brazilian magazine O Cruzeiro between 1946 and 1955. Rather peculiar bodies were shown in specific relations which have reshaped habits and attitudes into an entirely new dimension. Such images show a longing for modernity, a modernity which is marked by North-American consumption ideals – the American Way of Life, implemented in Brazil after the 1940s. Such consumption made spaces and habits more modern, through the promotion of a seductive image arsenal designed to broaden the action fields of both women and men, but at the same time reinforcing space limits and stereotypes of what was considered “masculine” or “ feminine.”